Educating Youth

The Dutchess No Child Left Inside (NCLI) program has has partnered with several local After School and Summer Camp programs to deliver Ecology enrichment activities. The Youth Environmental Educators have delivered many different games and activities on a variety of topics all with the goal of getting kids outside and learning about the environment. Getting involved with these programs has also helped the NCLI Youth Environmental Educators learn more about teaching kids. Since 2007 the Dutchess NCLI program and Cornell Cooperative Extension have also participated in the NYS DEC’s “A Day in the Life of the Hudson River” (aka Snapshot Day) with classes from Krieger Elementary School in the City of Poughkeepsie.


Topics taught over the years have included:

  • Hudson River biology, chemistry, the and physical river;

  • the water cycle;

  • watersheds;

  • macroinvertebrates;

  • biodiversity;

  • water conservation;

  • outdoor skills and safety;

  • hiking;

  • canoeing and much more