
Fall Kill Creek Podcast Tour

Mill St.jpg

 Mill Street


Mills, a Wild Ride

Have you ever been on a log flume ride and noticed that right before the drop you go through a house? Well, that house is called a mill. A mill is a building that uses water power to turn raw materials into products that can be used in everyday life. During the 17th to the 19th centuries, the Fall Kill was dammed in many places, including Mill St., to create small ponds for waterpower to drive the mills. These mills ground corn and wheat, cut wood, and produced fabrics such as felts and woolen cloth. Join the Dutchess NCLI crew and Harvey Flad while we learn more about mills in Poughkeepsie on this exciting log flume ride.



Harvey Flad is a Professor Emeritus of Geography at Vassar College and the author of Main Street to Mainframes: Landscape and Social Change in Poughkeepsie.


North Water Street


Washington Street