Do Care, Clean Poughkeepsie

For the duration of January- June 2018, the No Child Left Inside (NCLI) team focused on gathering the community of Poughkeepsie together to better the image of our city. To do this, we used the help of individuals and supportive organizations that collaborated with us and provide positive reinforcement for this community.


Goal 1: Organize 3 community trash pickups within Poughkeepsie.

Thanks to partners like Hudson River Housing and Justin Phillips C21 Alliance Realty Group, we were able to co-host 3 community clean-ups throughout the City of Poughkeepsie.


Goal 2: Educate youths on the natural environment through After School Programs

We visited local elementary schools to teach them about recycling through several fun activities.



Goal 3: Create art around Poughkeepsie that inspires others to value the city they live in

Thanks to Hudson River Housing, we were able to design a wrap that went around a recycling bin at one of the parks in the City of Poughkeepsie.

 2018 NCLI Crew

Abigail Thomas Emonei Spencer Jacob Cullen Jennifer Mendez Josiah Babooram


Bike Share Proposal for the City of Poughkeepsie 2018-2019


Pollinator Garden