Pollinator Garden

Pollinator gardens are important because they play a big role in the natural pollination process. They attract pollinating insects to an area, which helps with the pollinating of other plants. Our pollinator garden is located at the Poughkeepsie Underwear Factory.  Our project brings a little beauty to our community, helps the environment with its attraction of pollinators, and serves to show the residents of Poughkeepsie the importance of having a pollinator friendly environment. To find out more about the project and to learn more about pollinators and pollinator gardens, read Saving the Pollinators: The Dutchess No Child Left Inside Program’s Guide to Pollinators and Pollinator Gardens.


What is our goal?

Our goal was to create a pollinator friendly garden and add to the beauty of Murphy Park and the City of Poughkeepsie. Our project brings a little beauty to our community, helps the environment with its attraction of pollinators, and serves to show the residents of Poughkeepsie the importance of having a pollinator friendly environment.


How did we do it?

We grew some of the plants in the garden from seeds we collected in the fall, and then planted them in the garden beds. Other plants were generously donated by Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County Master Gardener volunteers and Adams Greenhouses. Our garden consists of a variety of native flowers, which helps attract a wide range of pollinating insects.


Where is it located?

Our pollinator garden is located at the Poughkeepsie Underwear Factory.  Outside is Murphy Park, which is a nice community space with grass, two raised beds, trees and benches. The pollinator garden was planted in these raised beds and around some of the trees..

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